Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bible Warning Label

Bible Warning Label
(full size)

Andras forwarded this photo to me before my travel in last December.

Everyone has his/her own opinion about religion, thus I personally think it is a waste of time for one to accuse other as either being "wrong", "unsaved", or "going to hell".

Faith is something should be dealt within oneself and whatever one chose to worship and follow, rather than press upon others.


  1. They need to make those stickers cheap and readily aviable. I would gladly carry some on me and put them into each religious text I come across.

  2. Man, the Bible is pretty racy. I remember when I was young, older people would self-censor some of the passages. I tried to read out 'Jesus and the Adulterer' once (that's the one where J.C. says 'He who is without sin, cast the first stone'), but the adults told me to pick a different passage.

  3. I'm not a Christian myself, but I think the label as a whole is a little bit harsh. I agreed with the part about children (and adults) having decreased objective reasoning, in putting sole faith in something which has no tangibly supportable reason to be taken seriously. But in general, I don't see how the bible potentially advocates those things which the label claims it does. While I agree that the bible is no childrens' tale, I don't see how it advocates the types of heinous acts mentioned anymore than the nightly news advocates crime by reporting it. As far as parts about causing hatred and bigotry: I don't believe the Bible alone would be the likely cause of this, but the unchecked ignorance of those who cling ever so loosely to its teachings. So in general, while the label is somewhat entertaining and brings to light a couple of interesting observations, it's content is hardly what I'd consider "objective reasoning."

  4. I think the label is a form of grass roots social activism, to be taken with a grain of salt as all external ideas should be taken with a grain of salt. I think the stickers are awesome, and I agree with tmz_99, they should make these readily available. I can totally see avant-garde activists stickering all the bibles in local bookstores...

  5. Note to the person who made this sticker: If you're going to launch a protest like this, you should at least proofread the sticker before you use it.

    The sentence that begins with "Contains verses DESCRIPTIVE or advocating suicide..." [emphasis mine] should actually read "Contains verses DESCRIBING or advocating suicide..." (emphasis mine].

  6. Do you think we'll ever see this warning label stuck on a copy of the Koran? Pardon me for asking a difficult question!

  7. I challenge all you anti-Christians to write a warning label for the Qur'an. Why not get started with pedophilia?
    How about a warning label for the Torah? I dare you to criticize the Hasidim.
